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Ulla Pirttijärvi (Finland / Sápmi)

Photo of Ulla Pirttijärvi

Ulla Pirttijärvi is a celebrated Sámi artist from Angeli, a small community in far northern Finland. The Sámi people are the Indigenous inhabitants of the Sápmi region, spanning northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia's Kola Peninsula, known for their distinct cultural heritage, languages, and traditional livelihoods such as reindeer herding. Pirttijärvi is is known for her innovative blend of traditional Sámi joik with contemporary musical arrangements. Sámi joik is a traditional form of vocal music unique to the Sámi people, characterized by its improvisational style, repetitive melodic phrases, and deep connection to nature, people, and spiritual elements. Pirttijärvi draws inspiration from childhood memories of family chanting and storytelling. She is an important advocate for preserving and promoting Sámi traditions.


Featured Song:

On “Áhku Báikkis / Visiting Grandmother,” from her 2008 album Aibbašeapmi, Pirttijärvi sings about the small details she remembers from visiting her grandmother on a relaxing afternoon: “A reindeer hoof cut / And also an orange / Grandma bakes pancakes once again / Today is a day for treats / It is a hot summer day with the reindeer lying on the path / The river Ande sharpens the scythe once again / The scythe stone turns.”

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