António José Sebastião, who goes by the stage name Zezinho Noy, was born and raised in Sambizanga, a working-class neighborhood of Luanda, Angola that was an epicenter of the liberation struggle against Portuguese colonial rule in the 1960s and 70s. After independence, he enlisted in the country's Armed Forces, and at the age of 15, took part in the civil war that lasted between 1975 and 2002. Zezinho Noy was a founding member of the influential band A Tradição, which became famous through its television appearances in the 1970s and 80s.
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"Minha Amiga Teodora" is an upbeat semba, a sensual Afro-Portuguese music style known for its infectious rhythms and lilting guitar lines. In the song, Zezinho Noy uses local slang to sing about a girlfriend named Teodora.
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