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Juurini (Canada)

Photo of Juurini

Juurini is the Inuit name for singer-songwriter Joey Partridge. Originally from Kuujjuaq, the largest northern village in the Nunavik region of Quebec, Canada, Juurini sings in his native language about his memories of the north. On guitar and traditional instruments, Juurini creates an ambient folk sound and sings to change the future. His greatest dream is to see his Inuit people succeed and overcome the various obstacles they face.

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“Qaumajur”, meaning “The Bright Spirit Light,” tells a beautiful story of a man walking the ground of Nunavik and facing a great light coming down from the sky. As it gets closer and brighter, it gives him a vision of how he can boost the confidence and strength of his people, no matter the obstacles and the pain they face.

Joined on this song by Inuk/Mohawk singer Beatrice Deer and producer Simon Walls, Juurini mixes Inuit traditional throat singing and qalautik drums. “Qaumajur” assures the listener that there’s always someone or something out there to make sure we are making our way safely along the complex path of life.

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