Aerson Jaime, known professionally as DJ 50 Love, was born in Angola and emigrated to England as a child. He started DJing at age 15, and by the time he was 22 had already established himself as a prominent DJ in London’s Afro-Portuguese scene. He has worked with some of Angola’s most iconic artists, including Bonga, Yuri da Cunha, Puto Portuguese, Calema and others, and is often asked to DJ at the shows of top Afro-Portuguese artists when they perform in the UK.
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In 2023, DJ Love released his first album, A VIDA É UMA LIFE (Life is a Life), which featured many collaborations with top Angolan musicians and showcased his ability to blend storytelling with infectious beats. On the track “Vou Voar” (I’m Going to Fly) LB Angolano sings about someone enjoying a carefree day and deciding not to worry about other responsibilities. “Today I woke up in a good mood / I had my coffee / I'm walking around the streets / On the way I found 10 bucks / I'm going to have a drink or two / I’ve already turned off my phone.”
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